Problem one, not a major problem, but the beginning of problem two =)

I have a SanDisk SDDR-75 Dual Reader (Compact Flash and SmartMedia) 
During install with the reader installed The boot loader setup bombed
off because of the reader, by default only one of the slots is set up
and working, while it detects both slots.  This causes some confusion
for the system as far as where the "Boot" sector is for the reader. 
Simple fix, unplug the reader and start the install over.  Also if you
try to install with the reader plugged in but no cards in the slots
Install stops and tells you that your partition tables are corrupted. 
Same fix.

Problem Two, after a successful install without the reader connected I
add the following line to my modules conf file.

options scsi_mod max_scsi_luns=4

This is so that both slots are detected correctly on the reader.  I set
up the mount points and then plug in the reader and everything works
fine.  Until I reboot.

Once I reboot my mouse no longer works, logitech optical wheel mouse

To get it to work I have to go to the virtual console and run
mousedrake.  After that it works fine, until I reboot.  Then I have to
go and run mousedrake once again.

There is probably a simple solution for this, I have just overlooked it.


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