Le Jeudi 22 Août 2002 13:06, Crispin Boylan a écrit :
> Hi
> just came across this patch for pppoatm:
> http://www.sfgoth.com/~mitch/linux/atm/pppoatm/
> might solve problems patching and compiling that Guillame has been having?
> the page seems to be old (the kernel patch is no longer needed and is
> for 2.4.0test2!)
It is the one i pointed in my original post. However, patching current version 
seems a far better alternative.

> interestingly though, it says you need the linux-atm userland
> environment installed - is this still necessary?
Yes. I just commited linux-atm to contrib for this reason. However, it should 
be transfered to main to have ppp requires it.
Guillaume Rousse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPG key http://lis.snv.jussieu.fr/~rousse/gpgkey.html

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