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This is great to have schedule of the future release of Mandrake.
But a question comes immediatly to my mind... "Will they do it again ?"

When you release Mandrake 8.2, KDE 3.0 was just release few days later (if I 
remember well). You miss the chance to have a release version with the "new - 
up to date - really better" release of KDE.
Now, you are expecting a final release of Mandrake 9.0 around the 13th... 
about a month before KDE 3.1 expected final release date (16th of October)!!!

I understand that some parts integrated in the new Mandrake release are 
expected with some kind of emergency. But don't you spend a lot of energy, 
releasing a new distrib, which will need, a month later, more energy to 
provide KDE 3.1 packages ? Wouldn't it be better waiting for the end of 
October to froze cooker, and release a new Mandrake containing the last 
version of a *used* Desktop Environnement ?

I think that users who really need KDE 3.0.x, as us in my company, had already 
installed RPMs of KDE 3, living with the known bugs due to concurrence 
between the 2 versions of KDE.

I agree that, going this way, there is always something to wait for. But, as 
KDE's developpers publish their planning, perhaps new release of KDE would be 
an information to synchronize Mandrake release with.

This is just a thought... you can do what you want with it... I just give you 
my opinion.

Mathieu Cousin

On Tuesday 20 August 2002 10:40, Warly wrote:
> Cooker is entered in its first frozen state.
> [...]
> Final arround the 13th.

- --
Mathieu COUSIN - System Administrator
Centre de Recherche de Motorola - Paris
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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