On Sun, 2002-08-25 at 06:38, Charles Razzell wrote:

> I installed beta4 this evening (twice).
> I noticed that when you cancel the first-time configuration wizard at 
> the first screen it dumps you into a console shell instead of a 
> reasonable KDE desktop like in beta3 and 8.2.
> I noticed that OpenOffice1.0.1 is on CD2, but could not persuade the 
> installer to include it as a package. I tried to install using rpm -ivh 
> OpenOffice.org-1.0.1-2mdk.i586.rpm \
> OpenOffice.org-l10n-en-1.0.1-2mdk.i586.rpm \
> OpenOffice.org-libs-1.0.1-2mdk.i586.rpm \
> libdbcxx3.3-3.3.11-11mdk.i586.rpm \
> myspell-en_US-1.0.1-0.20020626.1mdk.noarch.rpm \
> This pretty much killed my system. I rebooted and noticed that all the 
> KDE icons on the taskbar turned to "gears" and would not work. Most of 
> the applications disappeared from the menus, so that only non-KDE 
> programs were left.

For what it's worth, on a Gnome-only system, urpmi openoffice hunts out
the files from the various CDs and correctly populates the Gnome menu,
although you have to restart Gnome to show the icons beside the menu

As far as I can tell OOo isn't anywhere in the package menu on
installation; I hope this is fixed as, inter alia, it leaves Gnome-only
installations without a word processor on installation (after the
dropping of AbiWord).


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