On Sunday 25 August 2002 01:10, Brook Humphrey wrote:
>sunet has not been able to update openoffice.org and this is locking 
>most of the other updates, or so it seems since this file has been 
>updateing for days now.

It is more pervasive than just sunet, too.  I checked the proxad.net
and planetmirror.com rsync servers, and they are in the same 
condition.  Perhaps they update from sunet.se?

By the way, is there a more-or-less comprehensive list of rsync
accessable mirrors available anywhere? The cooker website used to
list rsync servers, but no longer does.  :^(

 +-% He's a real  UNIX Man $-+-------------------------------------+
  \  Sitting in his UNIX LAN  \          Charles A. Shirley         \
   \ Making all his UNIX plans \   cashirley (at) comcast (dot) net  \
    +------# For  nobody @------+-------------------------------------+

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