On Wed, 28 Aug 2002 22:01, Mattias Dahlberg wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Aug 2002, Leon Brooks wrote:
>> Has lots of bugfixes and speed improvements, probably worth including for
>> rc1. He's also released 0.4b which is 100% configure/build improvements, 
>> a good sign from the bugs PoV.

> Well, the current Glaxium in Cooker doesn't even start, so it could be
> considered a useful upgrade. :)

Hmm. If I could get Cooker updates down below 200MB a day, I might stand a 
chance of having a live Cooker to debug it on; but these rotten Mandrake 
employees keep posting stuff like new, fixed versions of OOo (about 160MB), 
KDE (another 100++) and kernel (maybe 100 all up) just about daily. Sigh.

It does work flawlessly on 8.2 with KDE 3.0.1 updates but when I tweaked it 
for 1600x1200 fullscreen operation, the typical FPS is down to about 15 
(Celeron 450, GeForce2 MX, 284MB). I'll throw it on my Athlon 1800 and see 
how well it does. (-:

Cheers; Leon

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