
On 28 Aug 2002 17:02:26 +0200
Pixel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > > > Hmmm, I'd vote for linking it to /dev/cdroms/cdromX. Why? Well,
> > > > on my Notebook I can remove the DVD drive an put a normal
> > > > harddisk in it instead - so /dev/hdc is now no longer a DVD but
> > > > a normal harddisk... so/dev/dvd shouldn't be there.
> > > I won't do this. Too late, too many upcoming pbs
> > Too late for 9.0 or too late for ever?
> well, since devfs may not last forever, keeping compatibility with old
> names is still the way.

Well, very few things do last forever - that's why I prefere the eXtreme
Programming style for software development. One aspect of it is: don't
think about the future, because the future is unknown. Just take the
simplest solution available for your current problem. If the
requirements change, do the same again.

> hum thinking about it, it's not very easy since /dev/cdroms/* are
> moving independently of the names.

Well, what about e.g. /dev/ide/host0/bus1/target0/lun0/cd then? ;-)

  Michael Reinsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                       http://mr.uue.org

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