What do you mean?

1.  Does Mandrake plan to use ICC?  No.  It's not gpl, and Mandrake's
goal is to be 100% gpl.

2.  Does ICC have better optimizations than gcc?  Hard to say.  In my
own experience (computational chemistry), I've found IFC compiled apps
equal to or slightly slower than gcc.  GCC has very good optimizations
FOR INTEL.  I dunno about AMD.  As of gcc 2.9, athlon optimizations were
crappy.  I haven't tried gcc 3.2 yet.
Now Intel Fortran compiler is a different story.  It BLOWS away g77!  
Even i686 compiled fortan code on an ATHLON is WAY faster with IFC than

3.  Can you recompile Mandrake apps with IFC?  Sure.
4.  Would they be faster binaries than with gcc?  Try it and let us


On Thu, 2002-08-29 at 22:13, Andrea Tavazzani wrote:
> Is any optimiziation planned for the Intel(R) Compiler.
> Thanks
> harrison3001

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