On Thu, 2002-08-29 at 18:57, Pablo Pita Leira wrote:
> It crashes on my installation also. 
> Konqueror renders the page http://www.radio1.be but you have to wait 60 
> seconds when the page refreshes to see the crash. I have taken the minimal 
> set of html code that crashes konqueror (html file attached). In my 
> installation Konqueror first renders Error: no java executable available. 
> When it refreshes, it crashes. 

Yes, I upgraded to kdebase-3.0.3-31mdk and kdelibs-3.0.3-15mdk and the
problem is still happening, even with a newly created user. I have tried
both j2sdk-1_4_0_01-fcs-linux-i386.rpm and
IBMJava2-SDK-1.3.1-2.0.i386.rpm. Disabling Java in Konqueror solves the

Steps to reproduce:
- Go to http://www.radio1.be with Java enabled.
- Wait until the Java apllet has started and the text is scrolling.
- Click on any link on the page (apparently, clicking on "Back" in
Konqueror also triggers the crash, maybe a bug in the code that
stops/unloads the applet?)

Frederik Himpe


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