I'm resending the following, which dropped into
the list server's bit bucket this past weekend...


----- Forwarded message from Bob Drzyzgula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

Short version: I haven't yet got it to work.
Sorry for the lack of some detail, it took
a while for my cooker list subscription to clear
through, and I don't have access to the machine
again until Tuesday (it's at the office).


* Shuttle SV24, using all onboard interfaces. 

* Two Fujitsu UDMA drives, one 30GB (Pri master),
  one 20GB (Pri slave).

* LS120 and LG 12x4x32/8X combo CD-RW/DVD on sec. channel.

* 512MB PC133 memory, one stick

* Via Cyrix III 866MHz processor 

ISOs downloaded from Rutgers. Md5sums checked
out. Burned to CD-R using xcdroast on a Suse
machine and a Plextor SCSI burner.

Booted target machine from CD1.

First try:

Expert Mode. Blew away everything on the drives, in fact
hda was brand new.  Broke up the drives extensively,
everything XFS. Hda had separate partitions for /, /boot,
swap, /usr, /var, /tmp, /home, while hdb had partitions
for /opt, /var/ftp, /var/www, and /data (I'm an old-school
Unix kinda guy). I selected all top-level package choices,
and went through picking a bunch more individual packages;
total space requirement listed was something like 2700MB.

First problem: I got an error message stating that there
was an error installing XFree86-4.2.0-24mdk. I opted to

Second problem: When I got past the package installs,
mkinitrd failed. I belive that this has been reported
by others.

I allowed it to continue to completion, but on reboot the
BIOS reported "missing operating system".

I rebooted into rescue mode using CD1 to see if I could
fix the Lilo problems:

First rescue try: I had it find and mount my partitions,
and then I asked for a console. It in fact found and
mounted the partitions and started a console, but I got an
"illegal instruction" (SIGILL) error when trying to execute
anything from the command line: df, ls, ps -- nothing
worked. System was hosed, time to reboot.

Second rescue try: I went to the console without mounting
the partitions. From there, I could run various commands
such as "df". Then I tried mounting the root partition
(hda5) on /mnt. From that point on, everything I tried
(including umount /mnt) gave another SIGILL. Didn't matter
what my cwd was or if I gave relative or absolute paths. The
system was again hosed.

Third rescue try: Again booting to rescue mode off CD1,
again entering the console at first opportunity. I tried
doing a fsck.xfs on hda5. It returned immediately. I ran
repair_xfs against it. It ran to completion but didn't
report any repair activity. I again mounted it on /mnt,
and again started getting the SIGILLS, even when using
full paths for commands located outside of /mnt. Rebooted

Fourth rescue try: At the console, I created a new
top-level mount point to use instead of /mnt. I called
it -- no, you don't want to know what I called it. Say
I called it "/foo". I mounted root (hda5) onto /foo.
At this point, I was still able to run commands. I looked
for a lilo.conf in /foo/etc, but there was none there.
I mounted the rest of the filesystems by hand, e.g. /usr on
/foo/usr. Then I tried to chroot to /foo, so that I could
fix up lilo by hand. No joy -- chroot would SIGILL every
time. It didn't matter if I ran the copy of chroot in the
ramdisk or the copy on the harddisk. It didn't matter if
I used relative or full paths for /foo. It didn't matter
if I let the command default to /bin/sh, or if I specified
/bin/sh or /foo/bin/sh or /foo/bin/bash, or if my cwd
was /foo when I did the chroot, it would SIGILL no matter
what I tried. Notice that, as an improvement over the
previous three attempts, it was only chroot that was
SIGILL-ing -- other commands were working fine.

Fifth rescue try: I booted again from CD1, but this time
told it to do an upgrade of what was on the hard disk.
It ran through the whole thing pretty quickly. It found
my old settings for things like the IP address, but it
again reported failures installing XFree86-4.2.0-24mdk
and running mkinitrd.

Second try

I ran through the whole install again, this time changing
the type of all the filesystems to ext3 instead of XFS.
Again I did an expert install and selected a pile-o-packages.
I had the same behavior re XFree86 and mkinitrd. Given my
previous luck, I didn't try to repair the install.

Third try
I ran through a recommended install. I let the installer
pick absolutely everything. I let it take over hda and
partition it however the hell it wanted to. I took the
default choices for packages. I didn't change any defaults
unless I had to -- I had to tell it which drive to use,
and I had to give it a static IP because I don't have
DHCP set up on my local net. But other than those minor
things, I just let it go. Again, no joy. Same failures.

Hope this helps. I remain utterly frustrated in my attempts
to install 9.0Beta4 on that machine. If anyone has any
suggestions, I'll try again on Tuesday. BTW, I now see
the messages in the archive on the mkinitrd problems, I'll
see if any of the information there helps on the bootloader

--Bob Drzyzgula

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