There is still a problem with the i845G chipset and this new 2.4.19 
kernel, preventing hdparm to setup the UDMA5 mode for hard drive 
(HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted). Moreover, there is an 
error message at boot :
PCI: Device 00:1f.1 not available because of resource collisions
This issue has already been discussed on the kernel lists. A patch 
exists by Andre Hedrick on :

I do not want to be rude, but this is the fourth time I report this 
problem on this list, which is serious because it cripples the 
performance of the hard drive. Not counting I reported it on 
mandrakeexpert too. I was told this would be corrected in the beta 2, 
and it is still in the RC1 (even if I reported it after each new beta 
release), and I am afraid it will be also in the final version.
So either you do not want to correct it, and  I hope this is not the 
case, either there are technical reasons for that, but this is strange 
because the Slackware 8 kernel has not that problem. But at least, if 
really you consider your beta testers as useful, please give some 
feedback to problems that cannot be solved. Sorry if this sounds rude, 
but I really have the feeling nobody takes care about that and I begin 
to be fed up giving some bug reports for nothing.


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