On saturday, 07-Sep-2002, I've made test runs with RC1.

First, clean install of 8.2 and upgrade to 9.0 RC1.
Second, clean install of 9.0 RC1 from scratch.

My home machine info can be found here:
machine.html describes hardware specs.

I've found several problems that I'm going to describe in separate mails
on this list.
Problem 1:
Bootloader installation vs. "restrict" and "password" options in lilo.conf
Full details, HTML version of this report here:


    Bootloader installation during upgrade vs. "restricted" and "password"

The bug I had reported earlier on cooker mailing list (subject: "9.0
beta 4: doesn't upgrade from 8.2 properly"), hasn't actually been fixed.

I've tried upgrading from a clean installation of Mandrake 8.2, where I
had inserted the "restricted" and "password" options in the global
section. Before the upgrade, beginning of my lilo.conf

looked like this (the lines I've manualy inserted are in *bold*):

          append="quiet devfs=mount"

The only change in behaviour between installers in 8.2 and earlier 9.0
betas and supposedly fixed in RC1, is that I can see a different error
message: previously, it had been "Passwords do not match" (screenshot
and beta4 report here

now it is "Option "Restrict command line options" is of no use without a
password." (screenshot here

As seen on this

screenshot, there's no user interface for toggling the global
"restricted" option, nor any input field for the value of the global
"password" option.

The only way to continue with installation is to cancel the bootloader
installation step!

My suggestion is that there are two possible fixes:

      * the easier one: make installer completely ignore the "restrict"
        and "password" options if they are present in global section of
      * the harder one, but more correct: provide a user interface to
        control those two options.

Implementing a user interface for those options would require two more
widgets in the dialog box depicted on this


     1. a single checkbox with a caption "Restrict passing arguments to
        kernel" that would be checked by default if the user had chosen
        "Higher" or "Paranoid"security level earlier in the installation.
        Of course, the whole dialog should be opened in advanced, not
        basic mode, when entering this installation step, if the security
        mode is "Higher" or "Paranoid", so that proper widgets are visible
        to the user.
     2. a password textbox that would be editable only when the preceding
        checkbox is checked.

When the user clicks OK to confirm the bootloader global settings, a
check is made whether a password has been supplied when, /and only
when/, "Restrict passing arguments to kernel" checkbox is checked, and
if the password is empty, it shows a messagebox that is currently shown
always: "Option "Restrict command line options" is of no use without a

If the chosen security level is "Higher" or "Paranoid", and the user
turned "Restrict passing arguments to kernel" off, a dialogbox is shown:
"Your security level is $insert_sec_level_here. It is recommended that
you restrict passing arguments to kernel with a password, or else
someone with physical access to your machine will be able to reboot into
single user mode, bypassing all security access checks. He will have
root access without a password. What is your decision?".

and then two buttons:

Go back to turn on "restricted" option and enter password

Continue without protection with "restricted" option

If you decide to implement this feature, here are translation of messges
to Polish (encoded in ISO-8859-2):

English Polish
Restrict passing arguments to kernel Ogranicz przekazywanie argumentów
do jądra
Password Hasło
Your security level is $insert_sec_level_here. It is recommended that
you restrict passing arguments to kernel with a password, or else
someone with physical access to your machine will be able to reboot into
single user mode, bypassing all security access checks. He will have
root access without a password. What is your decision? Twój wybrany
poziom bezpieczeństwa to $insert_sec_level_here. Jest zalecane, abyś
ograniczył/ograniczyła przekazywanie argumentów do jądra. W przeciwnym
razie osoba z fizycznym dostępem do maszyny będzie mogła zrestartować ją
w trybie jednego użytkownika, obchodząc wszystkie zabezpieczenia. Będzie
mieć dostęp na poziomie roota, bez potrzeby podawania hasła. Co chcesz
Go back to turn on "restricted" option and enter password Powrócić i
włączyć ograniczenie przekazywania argumentów oraz podać hasło
Continue without protection with "restricted" option Kontynuować bez tej

          GG#: 274614
          ICQ UIN: 19780575

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