On Monday, September 9, 2002, at 04:00 PM, Bryan Whitehead wrote:

> I think i traced down the problems I'm having with mozilla 1.1
> --enable-xinerama is not being passed to configure at all...
> Mozilla locks up after about 30mins of use...
> also galeon locks up when starting up.
> I've trying blowing away .mozilla and .galeon and logging out (and 
> killing all my processes for good measure) and the problem is still 
> there. :(
> mozilla is very stable on a non-dual head box tho...

I'm not sure this would have anything do with xinerama.  I use Galeon 
only for my browser, and have multiple tabs and multiple windows open 
for hours (or days) at a time.  Running pure cooker here with dual-head 
and xinerama enabled on GNOME2.  I can say that Galeon has not crashed 
on me for quite a while, and I even used Mozilla yesterday for some 
testing and it was open for a few hours, and it didn't even blink.

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