On Tue Sep 10 16:01 -0500, Igor Izyumin wrote:
> On Tuesday 10 September 2002 05:15 pm, Henri wrote:
> > mandrake creators are french, the first office was in France, 
> > and the place where it is used the most is France...so mandrake is french, 
> > as redhat is american and suse deutsch.
> Bulls**t.  My impression is that far more Americans using it than French 
> people.  Yes, it's a popular distro in France, but it's also one of the most 
> popular in the U.S.

It's probably more popular in France than in the US (in the sense that the
average French computer user is more likely to have Mandrake than the
average US computer user), but the US makes up for lower popularity with
sheer numbers (If Mandrake has 0.5% of the US OS market that would still
be larger than ~2.5% of the French OS market).

In addition, (/me tries to devise a way to say this without embodying
American monolingual hubris...) I would expect that many if not most
Mandrake users are involved in some sort of technical or academic field
(engineering, computing, general science, etc.) where English
proficiency is at least strongly encouraged (I could be completely
wrong, though... :o) )

> Also, your suggestion of asking the user about Mozilla during installation: 
> why?  The user could simply go to Edit->Preferences->Appearance->Languages 
> and install the language pack they want after the distro is installed.  Yes, 
> they have to read a couple of English menus, but it's not too difficult.

Especially since, if I'm not mistaken, all that's required to translate
the above sequence into French is a few accent marks and dropping the u
in "Languages".  And if that is not sufficient, it will not be long
before a French linux site posts a HOWTO on changing Francifying

/me remembers when I, having had a couple of years of high school
French and installing Linux for the first time, set my install language
in Red Hat 5.2 to French...

Levi Ramsey

The way out is the way in...
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