Bryan Whitehead wrote:
> Todd Lyons wrote:
>> Bryan Whitehead wrote on Tue, Sep 17, 2002 at 03:37:23PM -0700 :
>>> Anyway, the solution is to not run a font server for X on linux, 
>>> instead, all the font paths need to be listed in the XF86Config-4 
>>> file. This also fixed the problem with KDE "locking up" (many apps 
>>> did for me).
>> I recall another instance where this exact step fixed the problems but I
>> can't recall the details about it.  I do not think it involved dual
>> head, but I could be wrong because I've slept (a little ) since then.
>> In this case, Mozilla was a red herring as the problem all along was
>> X.  Does Gnome exhibit this same behavior?  (it should since it's
>> running under the same X).
>> Blue skies...            Todd
> I never had any problems with gnome1 or gnome2. That's why I didn't 
> think of trying this...
> Also KDE usually has problems for me on a single head, so I never 
> bothered with trying to fix KDE. (no one uses it in my userbase so I 
> don't really test it)
> I guess gnomecc had a problem... a user just told me that the program 
> never worked for him till I changed the font server settings. (Sometimes 
> I don't know of bugs till they are fixed... quiet userbase)
BTW, After filing a bug report with the mozilla guys they found a 
duplicate. The bug report along with possible fixes is here:

Bryan Whitehead
SysAdmin - JPL - Interferometry Systems and Technology
Phone: 818 354 2903

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