On Wed, 2002-09-18 at 14:25, Todd Lyons wrote:

> For a sneak peak at the HOWTO (in MandrakeUser.Org format), please view
> http://us.mandrakesoft.com/zaurus and give me feedback on your results.
> It is working very well for me, but only on the current Cooker.  It does
> not seem to work on 8.2, but that could be limitations of my own
> hardware (or the gcc version issue).

It works fine in 8.2 if you hack the /lib/modules/`uname
-r`/modules.usbmap. Of course, this will be overwritten at each boot, so
I copied the modified modules.usbmap for my 8.2 kernel to
/etc/rc.d/rc.zaurus, and put this at the bottom of rc.local:

cp -f /etc/rc.d/rc.zaurus /lib/modules/`uname -r`/modules.usbmap.

Otherwise it works just fine with your instructions on MUO.
Brad Felmey

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