----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas Backlund" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Viestissä Keskiviikko 18. Syyskuuta 2002 20:14, Edward Cherlin kirjoitti:
> On Wednesday 18 September 2002 04:38 am, Thomas Backlund wrote:
> > As it turns out the install sets all the locale settings to 'en_US',
> > even if it should be 'fi_FI@euro', since I chose Finnish Language
> > install.
> >
> > The directory '/usr/share/i18n' contains all the necessary files
> > ...
> >
> >
> > BTW, how do you change the system locales,
> > other than editing /etc/sysconfig/i18n
> > and the users .i18n
> I use
> declare -x LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
> You want
> declare -x LC_ALL="fi_FI@euro"
> or the more comprehensive setting,
> declare -x LC_ALL="fi_FI.UTF-8"
> The LC_ALL setting overrides the other LC_* settings.
> > When I changed theese files manually,
> > the system works as it should ...
> Whichever of these you use, you have to put it into one of your
> startup files, so you still have to do a bit of editing, but only in
> one place.
> > Thomas
>I have been playin around with the locales,
>and this is what should be in /etc/sysconfig/i18n:
>(and of course every users .i18n LC...lines should point to 'fi_FI@euro')
>--- cut ---
>--- cut ---
>This way you have support for:
>if you change the 'fi_FI@euro' to 'fi_FI.UTF-8'
>every language package that is encoded with the ISO...
>will get weird output (wrong chars, etc...)
>This should be in the 9.0 Release, shouldn't it...

OOPS... when upgrading the initscripts to 6.91-9 I get:

cp: cannot stat: '/usr/share/locale/fi_FI@euro/LC_MESSAGES/SYS_LC_MESSAGES':
No such file or directory.

I know that that directory/file does not exist,
and the reason it searches there seems to be because of:
bout shouldn't '/usr/share/i18n/locales/fi_FI@euro
tell the system that 'fi_FI@euro' actually is fi_FI.ISO-8859-15?

Or am I way off...?

and if I change the i18n to:
--- cut ---
--- cut ---

then I loose ISO-8859-15 for the translator
so wich one(s) of theese read from:
and wich one(s) from:

Or should I just make a symlink from
'/usr/share/locale/fi_FI@euro/ '
'/usr/share/locale/fi_FI.ISO-8859-15' ?


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