Hi folks...

When I boot the system, I recieve this errors.

---- lines from /var/dmesg ----
Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 6.31
ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with
PCI_IDE: unknown IDE controller on PCI bus 00 device f9, VID=8086,
PCI: Device 00:1f.1 not available because of resource collisions
PCI_IDE: (ide_setup_pci_device:) Could not enable device.
---- end ------

I think it is becaus of the unassigned reccources as show in the lines
of lspci -v below.

---- lspci -v -----
00:1f.1 IDE interface: Intel Corp.: Unknown device 24cb (rev 01)
(prog-if 8a [Master SecP PriP])
        Subsystem: Asustek Computer, Inc.: Unknown device 8089
        Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 0, IRQ 10
        I/O ports at <unassigned> [size=8]
        I/O ports at <unassigned> [size=4]
        I/O ports at <unassigned> [size=8]
        I/O ports at <unassigned> [size=4]
        I/O ports at f000 [size=16]
        Memory at 20000000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=1K]
---- lspci ----

In that case it is impossible to activate the dma mode for my ide
I had not enought time to check the rc3....

Doe's anyone know a workaround or knows anyone a URL to a patch for this

Thanks for Help


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