On 20 Sep 2002, Adam Williamson wrote:

> On Fri, 2002-09-20 at 08:59, Robert Fox wrote:
> > Why is there an option for LSB in the Package Group Selection?
> > 
> > Isn't 9.0 already certified?  Why would someone NOT want LSB?
> That package just contains the LSB test suite and docs, I think, which
> most people aren't going to have any use for.
> -- 

9.0 is not certified yet, as it's not quite done :).  8.2 Prosuite +
Updates was certified.  The LSB package pulls in the requirements for LSB
testing/compliance, but not the test suite.  The official test suites are
to be found at:


These are the only tests that should be used to test compliance.

So far, there are few apps that use the LSB glibc and linker.  Afaik, only
the app-battery provided to run as part of the certification process. In
the future of course, the LSB workgroup hopes this will change and
commercial software vendors will begin porting applications to LSB
compliant run-time systems (distributions).

Stew Benedict

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