Are u sure 94 meg for / is enough !?
this means the contains of /etc /lib have to be smaller then 94 meg.

I think you should be a little more generous with  your space overthere.



----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 4:38 AM
Subject: [Cooker] Mandrake 9.0 RC3 installation adventure part 2

> Same system as my last message:
> My system is a home-built EPOX 8KHA/1.4 Athlon/768 Meg ram/100gig WD1000BB
> My partition table looks like this:
> 94 meg /
> 94 meg (future)
> 94 meg (future)
> 94 meg (future)
> 200 meg /boot
> 380 meg /swap
> Remaining is LVM
> LVM:
> 4 gig /usr
> 4 gig /var
> 4 gig /home
> Preface:  Since my previous installs didn't work, I decided to try a new
> tack.  I installed a fresh 8.2 installation, working from the first CD
> alone.  I then tried an Upgrade, and ended up with another 5 installs
> (0. - I have a usbmouse and using an auto config floppy, doesn't configure
> the mouse properly again.  Even in 8.2.  This seems to be reproducible,
> unlike everything else)
> The first three were tried with the "Expert/Upgrade" option.
> 1. - Hung during the find partitions step on /dev/hdb6.  So I reboot
> 2. - This time it makes it past all the partitions, and I select the
> /dev/hda1 partition to upgrade.  As it is reading the RPMs from the 8.2
> install, I get this message on the console tty.
> "rpmdb: damaged header instace #202 retrieval, skipping"
> It doesn't really skip it, it just loops over and over again. Reboot
> again.
> 3. - Makes it farther.  Kernel panic on checking  /usr partition (in the
> LVM)
> The Fourth install was "expert/upgrade packages" option
> 4. - This time it upgrades, and I finish the installation.  I reboot. Then
> the fun begins.
> a.  during startup init.d/usb gives a message about "expr not found".
> b.  X doesn't start, and it starts up at a console a la Runlevel 3
> c.  I try "startx" to manually bring up X.  No luck.
> "libglx.a" is unresolved.
> d.  That is in XFree86-server, and I try a verify that works, but the file
> is definetly not there.
> e.  I remove XFree86 and XFree86-server, and then reinstall them.
> f.  my usb mouse is not activated, which makes X not so much fun.  I try a
> reboot, still nothing.
> g.  I bring up X and use mousedrake.  I'm able to select the wheel mouse,
> and restart X.  Now the mouse works again.
> h.  I notice that rpmdrake and MandrakeUpdate don't work because
> is having a problem loading librpm-4.0.4 (that's close to the name, I
> didn't write it down.  oops).  I figure out that the upgrade didn't update
> rpm.
> i.  I try to manually install rpm.  It has a long list of dependencies,
> but I get them all and the install starts.
> j.  Bad.  Not all of the rpms fail, but enough do: rpm,  libstdc++5-devel,
> kernelheaders, libbinutils2, binutils, gcc, gcc-c++.  These complain that
> there are "MD5 sun mismatch" with cpio.
> k.  not rpm doesn't even recognize -qilp as an option.  Ugh.  It's hosed.
> Now I can't do anything.
> l.  In exasperation, I shutdown.  The shutdown fails during umount.
> m.  I hit the reset button.
> Overall, I'm really glad I decided to not mess with my existing year old
> 8.2 installation.
> Scott Carlson
> PS.  I don't subscribe to the list. No time at this point. :(
>      I am willing to try and answer questions if I can help

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