Le Lundi 23 Septembre 2002 12:00, Guy.Bormann a écrit :
> On Fri, 20 Sep 2002, [iso-8859-15] Stéphane Teletchéa wrote:
> > It seems my mobo is an APIC-only one.
> ACPI, you mean?


> > Why doesn't it be included in the kernel ?
> > (Too much work, unstable, ???)
> Bad, unconsistent implementation in BIOSes, although it is getting better,
> 'they say.'


> > My old win98 can handle power off the cpu without any trouble.
> Yeah right, unless it is acceptable for the computer to hang in the power
> down process, making you wonder if the sync-to-disk has finished so that
> you can savely switch it off manually. And maybe there is a big
> switch-case statement in Win98 for all the motherboards around. Hmm,
> maybe that's where the performance drop comes from :-) Hey, we could
> mimick this to better reflect Windows behavior so that we don't scare
> those users from switching to Linux. We have performance in(?) spare
> anyway.
>   BTW, my computer switches off quite nicely, I haven't tried sleeping or
> hybernation lately though...
Neither I. Only power off.

> > Is linux older ?
> Yes, in fact it is (foundation-wise) and not so full of half-working
> features, although it is changing (both ways).


> > Stef, a bit disappointed. >
> Well, that's the nature of the game I'm afraid. The question is how long
> do you stay disappointed with each OS.
> Guy, a bit less disappointed since he made "The Switch" (a long time ago).

I know that, may be a little depressed those cloudy days.

Last of all : rc3 is very fantastic, Mdk is improving ...


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