
On 22 august, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'm using the MDK 8.2 on my laptop (Inspiron 8200), where I'm using
> DHCP. But when I start my laptop outside of my network, the eth0
> activation make a bunch of retry to find a DHCP server before cancelling
> ( Time-out after 1 minute or something like that). Is it possible to
> find a fix for this? Detect the cable maybe ? Start the dhcp client in
> background ? Shorter Time-out ?

First, there's an mii module in kernel 2.4 (not for all NIC yet, but the
most common), that can detect if a cable is properly plugged in on a
live ethernet link, or not. It can be used to see if it's worthy to wait
at all for a dhcp (or other) reply.

Note that there are tools (Debian has laptop-net) that can automatically
recognize on which network we are (from MAC adresses of packets passing
by) and use a known IP, or revert to DHCP on an unknown network.

This is a must for people who move their laptop between two or more
networks (or Wi-fi).

This is what Mandrake needs to become smarter about the change or lack
of network at boot time, and even when the machine is already up, too.

Stéphane Gourichon - Labo. d'Informatique de Paris 6 - AnimatLab
http://animatlab.lip6.fr/ - philo du dimanche http://amphi-gouri.org/

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