On Sat, 28 Sep 2002, Robert martin wrote:

> If these issues are so important to you, why don't you find out what RH
> does
> different and submit a patch?
> 1 not knowing enough C /perl/ whatever to do the patch

Usually not necessary.

> 2 having difficulty finding "whats different" if it involves 19
> different programs with 200 scripts none of which is actually documented
> correctly

Well, your network card issue was apparently a kernel thing (IIRC). The
maintainer of the driver had set it to be singlue duplex because of issues
in full duplex. You could have contacted the driver maintainer to find out
if it is still applicable, and find some test cases and prove that it is
no longer an issue, then ask Juan to set it back to full duplex.

And if it does work in a different distro with a 2.4.19 kernel, you could
always try and track down their patch. Down load their kernel srpm, check
the changelog, and the patches for an obvious patch.

> 3 wondering if AnyDrake will even CARE enough to commit the patch (or
> look at the patch at all)

Have you tried?

> 4 too much is different to change at this point in the game
> Personally i am wondering why modemdrake does not or will not set up a
> device iding as a "topic communications controller"

What help does it do to set the device up, if it doesn't have a driver.

> as a modem AND WHY IS /dev/ttyS1 not setup when you have 1800 different
> devices that are NEVER used in 98% of the installs???? (how would
> someone go about presetting say the palm hotsync port devices so that
> they don't vanish when you are trying to use Jpilot??)

How about you do what every one else does, aka RTFM, and see that you
should hit the sync button, wait a few seconds, then hit tell the software
to let rip.

If you can do it better, let's see your patch for the usb-serial / visor
module in the kernel.

|----------------Registered Linux User #182071-----------------|
Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work            +27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering         http://www.cae.co.za
GPG Key                   http://ranger.dnsalias.com/bgmilne.asc
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