On Monday 30 September 2002 06:01 pm, Florent BERANGER wrote:
> I've tried to make RPM for Mdk of these project, without
> success, please try :
> - gramps (open source genealogy program written in
> python gtk - http://gramps.sourceforge.net/ ) -> an rpm
> for RH exists and ./configure generate a spec file but
> this spec file (I've tried some changes) don't works
> with Mdk.
> - brltty (braille display driver -
> http://mielke.cc/brltty/ )-> an src.rpm is in download
> section but there is a problem at compilation
> -CVoiceControl ( speech recognition system -
> http://www.kiecza.de/daniel/linux/index.html )
> Thanks,
If you join the Club, there are people there that you can request that of.

Gregory Meyer

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