On Thu, 3 Oct 2002, Todd Lyons wrote:

> marcos colome wrote on Thu, Oct 03, 2002 at 03:10:48PM -0700 :
> > Please remove my name from your mailing list
> Handled offlist.
I begin to suspect that this is some autoreply from an active Yahoo
spamfilter since it is always exactly the same sentence by this guy. He
also does post once in a while a very stereotypical message (the same
message??) about how Linux is heading for World domination. But then he
NEVER asks to be removed. Also pay attention to the wording
'your mailinglist' (typical choice for a message in your name)
instead of 'this mailinglist' (typical message by oneself)...
  So, the best we can do is just ignore Marco unless he comes with a
really good bug report :-)

Just an idea,

 > Blue skies...                Todd

P.S.: Concerning my own good bug reports :-) : I plan to buy a boxed set
of 9.0 and 'upgrade' to Cooker...

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