On Fri, Oct 04, 2002 at 09:15:38PM +0200, Tim Stoop wrote:
> (Don't know if this is too basic for this list, also because I'm using Mdk 
> 9.0, but I thought it's a development-bug because it shouldn't act like this 
> on default. At least I don't expect it to...)
> Hi there,
> I've got the following setup:
> main server: Mdk 9.0, using drakgw as a gateway for the rest of the network
>    modem: Internet
>    eth0: internal network
> laptop: connected with a crosslink-cable to the server, also Mdk 9.0
>    eth0: getting ip & info from main server, using dhcp
> Problem: If I try to connect with ssh from the laptop to the main server, I 
> get a connection refused. What am I doing wrong?

This sounds like an FAQ?  Let me guess the server is running with a high
msec security mode.  If you have lines like these in your

# Mandrake-Security : if you remove this comment, remove the next line

Then you need to add something like this in /etc/hosts.allow:

Note that this will open ssh for everyone.  If you want to be more
specific run this command to get the man page on the format of those
man 5 hosts_access


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