allen wrote:
> On Sunday 06 October 2002 06:41 pm, Ron Stodden wrote:
>>Life is great.  All I have to do is a daily check of the situation with
>>troels..., and I don't have the bugbear of having to deal, as an
>>example, with a new -*mdk verion of the 16 MB kdebase every day for over
>>a week, as did happen last month.
> Wow !
> Finally opensource software that is more complicated than 
> "just doing it all by hand"  !
> ;)
> All kidding aside, "Sheesh !"
> That sure is a lot of instructions...
> You planning on wrapping up any up that functionality into
> some simpler installer and command-line interface(s) ?

No.  It could hardly be simpler.  If you want mandrake-everything for 
9.0 all you have to do is set up your receptacle directory structure 
(preferably on a mounted partition <g>) to match what 
expects, like below, and set my $store in the perl scripts to your 
receptacle base address (default /mnt/mandrake).

-- 9.0
     |-- 9.0-tree
       '-- i586
     |-- 9.0-contrib
     |-- 9.0-unsupported
     |-- 9.0-unsupported-MandrakeClub
       `-- 9.0-updates
-- cooker-tree
     |-- i586
       ' -| contrib

and for what expects, like this:

-- iso-1
-- iso-2

then all you have to do (internet up) is:


Many hours or days later:

"QED!  Hunkey Dorey!  You beauty!"

To not collect any mandrake stream, just comment out the rsync_profile 
command for it in troels...

But, make sure you have plenty of space:


is used by mine today, and the ISOs are not complete, so allow 15 to 
20GB (no joke!).

Ron. [Melbourne, Australia]
    IMPORTANT!  troels... for ML 9.0 now available. See my web site:

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