Geoffrey Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> fcntl: No locks available
>> Licq Segmentation Violation Detected.
>> Backtrace:
>> /lib/i686/ [0x4012ce55]
>> Attempting to generate core file.
> hmm I don't have this problem, can you tell me how to reproduce this?
> Note: the backtrace it goes here is going to be inaccurate, but it looks
> like you can't even get as far as libc / libpthread.

The reason for the invalid backtrace is that libpthread is stripped. I
tried sending a mail to the cooker list about this (but I don't know
if it made it - don't remember seeing a request to confirm the
email). Also sent a mail to Gwenole and Chmouel since they appeared in
the glibc change log. To sum up the problem:

When libpthread is stripped, you can no longer debug threaded programs
with gdb and backtraces like the above break. I pointed this out to
Cooker/Chmouel early 2001 and it was fixed:

* Wed Feb 21 2001 Chmouel Boudjnah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 2.2.2-4mdk

- Exclude libpthread to be stripped also.

However in July this year, Gwenole again stripped this library. Please
fix this - it's making Mandrake unusable as a serious software
development platform (unless you build your own libpthread, which have
done). It also breaks backtraces often found in games and applications
(that utilize the 'backtrace()' call), making it harder impossible to
debug (commercial) applications like that when the user runs Mandrake.

        -- David

[ Below is a random fortune, which is unrelated to the above message. ]
Recursion is the root of computation since it trades description for time.

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