Le mer 09/10/2002 à 13:27, Joseph Davidson a écrit :
> I recently installed 9.0 on a friends PC.  After reconfiguring the mouse
> (to enable the wheel),  I needed to restart X.  When I pressed
> ctrl+alt+backspace,  the system immediatly turned off.
> I am not sure what the exact specs are on the PC, but I believe it is a
> P4 2Ghz, 512mb ram, and an nvidia based graphics card with the default
> driver. (not the 3d accelerated driver from nvidia. )
i've saw this problem with some old motherboard, please try
linux noapic
it should works better.
Erwan Velu
43 rue d'aboukir 75002 Paris
Phone Number : +33 (0) 1 40 41 00 41
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