I realize that you're busy with the most recent version of KDE, but do you 
think that you could update ksplash/ML to 0.95.3 which was released in late 
september? Thanks ahead of time.

Gary Greene                                                                  
Sent from seele.gvsu.edu
 19:08:43  up 4 days,  6:36,  4 users,  load average: 1.81, 1.71, 1.58
Founder and president of GVLUG.                                              
Chief Systems Architect, S4, Inc. - OS Department.                           
Project Lead for the Sentinel Linux 2003 OS Project (KOMODO)                 
Chairman and Project Lead of the E-media Committee of AltReal.               
PHONE : 331-0562                                                             
EMAIL : [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                       
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             
--Developing a emotion daemon for the Human OS                               
Here's the error:                                                            
#mounting local filesystems....................................[     OK     ]
#Virtual Human Brain Driver v0.0.5 (EXPERIMENTAL) R/W fs module              
#Virtual Nerve Node Driver v0.4.1 (EXPERIMENTAL) R/W FS module               
#Insmod Adaptive Technology Device module......................[     OK     ]
#Writing Sync state to Journalled VHBFS........................[     OK     ]
#Stating emotiond..............................................[ FRUSTRATED ]
Segmentation Fault:sending signal 11 SegEV                                   

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