On Wednesday 02 October 2002 03:17 pm, Kelley Terry wrote:
> On Wednesday 02 October 2002 03:13 pm, Ben Reser wrote:
> > On Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 03:00:26PM -0600, Kelley Terry wrote:
> > > Thanks!  I used audacity on 8.2 and couldn't install it on 9.0.
> > > Hackaudacity intalled fine.  One question though - when it starts it
> > > pops a window with "audio i/o error".  I have to kill artsd to get it
> > > to work right. Any solutions?
> >
> > Start it using soundwrapper:
> > soundwrapper /usr/bin/audacity
> Already tried that - It didn't work

I found the problem -- maybe a bug???  I have audio preview enabled in 
konqueror ( I use it for previewing the files after recording).  Every time I 
preview a file (by hovering over it with the mouse) It stops audacity from 
using the sound device.  Then I kill  artsd and it works again.  For now I 
just turned off audio preview in konqueror.  If it's a bug I don't know if 
it's in audacity, the arts server, or konqueror so I don't know which package 
maintainer to post it to.
Thanx -
 It said use windows 95 or better so I loaded linux!
In a world without walls and fences who needs windows and gates?

Kelley Terry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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