On 22. okt 2002 11:03, Todd Lyons wrote:

> > # rpm -q sfio
> > package sfio is not installed
> > # export LC_ALL=C; urpmi --update postgresql
> > To satisfy dependencies, the following packages are going to be installed (1 MB):
> > libpgsql2-7.2.2-1.1mdk.i586
> > postgresql-7.2.2-1.1mdk.i586

> > sorry, i forgot say, that i install packages from updates.. maybe, right
> > way is: install package from distribution and after this update from
> > updates.. and my post is urpmi related, not postgresql package..

> If you have an update source defined, urpmi will automatically pull that
> newer version and install dependencies from wherever they are available.
> In this case, postgresql will come from the updates source and sfio will
> come from the CDs or local mirror or whatever you use.

as you can see, urpmi don't work as you describe. sfio package isn't
pulled and installation of postgres is not possible, because there is
not satisfied dependecies.
maybe i must wrote, that i have defined cooker sources too. but i don't
want install postgresql package from cooker, i want package from updates,
therefore i explicitly use --update option.

Linux 2.4.19-16mdk
Mandrake Linux release 9.1 (Cooker) for i586 
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