David Walluck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Pixel wrote:
> >> This is definately a problem. Fully reproducable on all 15 installs at LUG.
> >> And I definately agree that keybard support in the installer NEEDS to be
> >> added. Pixel, is it possible that this could be looked at?
> > ?? keyboard support is quite ok. The only known pb is that sometimes,
> > keyboard focus doesn't work, so if the mouse is not in the middle of
> > the screen, you don't have the focus and can't do anything.
> Right. That is the problem. How can you operate the GUI without a mouse if you
> can't focus the window?
> Someone should verify that it works by performing the Normal and Expert
> installs with no mouse attached to prove that it works.

I did with no pb. The pb only occurs when the mouse cursor is not in
the window. By default, the cursor is in the middle of the screen.
Since windows are centered, it works!

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