>>>>> "G" == Guillaume Rousse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    G> Seems interesting, but could you explain a bit more usefulness
    G> of such a RDF file ? And what advantages over rpmsearch ?

Certainly: Convenience.  I use RDFs on my desktop to tell me in a
flash of all the websites that have updates, and then I can at my
leisure decide to go after them.  Using rpmsearch, I get more information
but I must do a specific call for specific packages and I have to go
through the bother of loading the page.

    G> BTW, i'm more and more intrested in creating an open-source
    G> project for all this kind of stuff used by different peoples
    G> (plf, jpackage, mandrake, you) to maintain and manage a RPM
    G> project. Would you been intested in such a project ?  --

Interested?  Yes.  I can't promise to have a lot of time to put
towards it as work is either feast or famine, but I'm sure that's
true of everyone ;)

Gary Lawrence Murphy - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - TeleDynamics Communications
   - blog: http://www.teledyn.com/mt/ - biz: http://teledyn.com/ -
  "Computers are useless. They can only give you answers." (Picasso)

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