>>>>> "I" == Ian Mcleod <Mcleod> writes:

    I> uuurrrggghhh I am yet to successfully compile anything let
    I> alone a kernel..  I have been using Linux for years and I still
    I> don't understand this really basic stuff..  Quite shameful I
    I> know..

Not at all: Compiling the kernel is not for the squeamish -- if you
go to kernelbook.sourceforge.net, you can download my old guide for
compiling the 2.2 kernel -- for all it's advances, the 2.4 kernel
is pretty much the exact same process, only now there are hundreds
of options.  Basically, if an option doesn't make sense, make it
a module ;)

There is one very important difference, and others may correct me
on this, but here's my brute-force sequence for actually installing
a new kernel under Mandrake 9.0:

  - get the kernel tarball from ftp.tux.org and unpack in /usr/src

  - symlink linux-2.4.19 to /usr/src/linux

  - take my .config from that previous message and put it into linux

  - "make oldconfig"

  - "make xconfig" and check every form for any obvious errors or
    omissions, especially for filesystem and network support

  - "make bzImage modules dep clean"

  - create a temp dir "mkdir ~/tmpboot"

  - "INSTALL_PATH=~/tmpboot INSTALL_MODULE_PATH=/lib/modules make bzlilo 

  - go have a nice dinner, a bath, watch some TV...

  - "mv ~/tmpboot/System.map /boot/System.map-2.4.19"

  - "mv ~/tmpboot/vmlinuz /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.19"

  - run "drakboot" and add the new vmlinux-2.4.19 to the bootloader

reboot, and if it's better, go back to drakboot and set it as the
default kernel; if it's worse, try to figure out from the dmesg
listings what was missing or reconfigured and go through it all

it's less painful than a root canal, and more fun than detention.

Gary Lawrence Murphy - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - TeleDynamics Communications
   - blog: http://www.teledyn.com/mt/ - biz: http://teledyn.com/ -
  "Computers are useless. They can only give you answers." (Picasso)

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