On Mon, 2002-11-04 at 21:13, Buchan Milne wrote:
> On Mon, 4 Nov 2002, Sérgio Martins wrote:
> > how can i make shorcuts in linux mandrake?
> >
> This is not a support list, try newbie, expert, alt.os.linux.mandrake or
> some other place.
> And when you ask your question there, give more detail about what you mean
> (applications, or desktop-type stuff, which desktop environment etc).
> > it whould be nice that we could make shortcuts as easy as we make on
> > windows...
> >
> You can. In KDE, Gnome etc, or by aliases and scripts in the shell of
> your choice. But most people here probably appreciate
> bash-completion more than keyboard shortcuts for graphical stuff ;-).

Just for info, Buchan, I think he means what Windows itself calls
shortcuts, which are a sort of cross between symlinks and aliases. In
recent versions of Windows you can create a shortcut to a file and stick
it in a directory, then you can interact with the shortcut as if you
were interacting with the file - double-click it in Explorer or
whatever. I don't know how they show up in a DOS window. The most common
use of them is for making quicklaunch icons and for putting programs on
the desktop - desktop icons for launching programs and quicklaunch icons
in the Windows taskbar are both actually shortcuts to the relevant
executable. The alias bit comes in because you can edit the shortcut and
make it launch the program with a particular command-line parameter, or
something similar. Since neither GNOME nor KDE uses the same paradigm,
we'd have to ask exactly what he wants to do if we wanted to help him
(creating a symlink, adding an icon to the desktop or adding a
quicklaunch to the panel).

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