I just wanted to post my experience with the samba-client
(2.2.6-1.0.pre2.2mdk) package from a clean MDK 9 install:

        * Able to browse samba clients
        * Unable to mount samba shares
        * fstab/netfs wouldn't mount samba shares

Upgraded to samba-client-2.2.6-4mdk.i586.rpm and all is right in the
world. I've checked the changelog and couldn't find any reference to
this problem. My biggest concern is that stuff like this has happened in
the past. (USB devices, video cards, etc...)

Recently I took a survey given by Mandrake. It was about our experiences
with Linux/Mandrake/OSS. One of the questions was whether or not the
latest and greatest software should be released in the final distro or
would it be better to release a little older more stable packages. The
more conservative answer to this is to use the more thoroughly tested

I am involved in a project deploying Mandrake on the desktop at a San
Diego, CA based corporation. Mandrake was the one distro that I have had
the best luck with when trying to get end users excited about Linux. I
am committed to promoting Linux, and especially Mandrake, if for no
other reason than to increase the number of Linux users and to change
the perception of Linux on the desktop. However, when I am in a
situation that allows me to use the distro as an example and I am forced
to spend a couple of hours to track down some strange nuance like the
one stated above, I get concerned about what others might be
experiencing while in a similar position as myself.

Is there any resource to turn to for deploying Mandrake on the desktop
in a corporate environment? MandrakeBizCases has some great war stories,
but I am looking for more of a repository of scripts and tips to get
Mandrake up on its feet ASAP. A lot of the issues we are currently
having is related to the lack of Office software compatibility, a decent
5250 terminal emulator that doesn't lock up and provides the same
features as IBM's Client Access TE...  My point is that I have a lot of
issues, and I'm sure I'm not alone, that I could use some help
addressing. Where would be the best place to start a repository like
this? (Mandrake Linux for Corporate Deployment) Any ideas?

Thanks for letting me rant....


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