How about adding a Linux user for each user configured for the Windows


On Mon, 2002-11-04 at 18:38, Leon Brooks wrote:
> On Tuesday 05 November 2002 09:15 am, Ben Reser wrote:
> > On Tue, Nov 05, 2002 at 07:35:51AM +0800, Leon Brooks wrote:
> > >  * ICQ/IRC/AIM/MSN settings -> EveryBuddy
> > everybuddy already has an import feature to import ICQ99 contact lists.
> Yes. The trick is getting this to happen during the install, without any 
> special user knowledge, and particularly if you are *replacing* Windows on 
> this machine.
> > AIM, MSN and Yahoo stores buddies on the server so it's not a big deal.
> > IRC would be difficult to do since there are so many different
> > IRC clients and the scripts used in them are so different.
> There are a few very common ones like mIRC that Mandrake could cater for - at 
> least dredge out the bookmark-equivalents (servers, channels, nicks) and nail 
> them into a Linux client or several.
> Cheers; Leon

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