Michal Bukovjan wrote:
Michal Bukovjan wrote:

This time metacity. It crashes sometimes. The crashes started to occur after the aforementioned packaged update.

No error messages in .xsession-errors or system logs.

The crash occurs every 10 minutes, depending on user activity (with respect to new window popups), *always* when popping up a new window (this is not application specific). (Another formulation: It happens only when an application opens a new window, but not every time an application opens a window).

My home dir is filling up with core files :-(

Metacity then restarts, the flashings are quite annoying, though.

I am running Metacity with Gorilla theme.


The problem still persists and is quite annoying, even after update to -3mdk (gtk+2.0 and gdk-pixbuf-2.0)


The problem still exists with metacity 2.4.3-1mdk.

Minor correction - the crash occurs upon window destruction, not creation. Try to play Freeciv for a while to see :-)


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