On Thu Nov 14 17:26 +0100, Mandrakesoft packages database wrote:
> default wm for gnome is metacity
> These packages has been moved from cooker main to cooker contrib:
> - sawfish-1.1a-2mdk.i586
> - sawfish-1.1a-2mdk.src
> - librep9-0.16.1-2mdk.i586
> - librep9-devel-0.16.1-2mdk.i586
> - librep-0.16.1-2mdk.i586
> - librep-0.16.1-2mdk.src
> - rep-gtk-gnome-0.16-2mdk.i586
> - rep-gtk-libglade-0.16-2mdk.i586
> - rep-gtk-0.16-2mdk.i586
> - rep-gtk-0.16-2mdk.src
> - sawfish-themes-0.2-8mdk.noarch
> - sawfish-themes-0.2-8mdk.src

And on that note...

Uploaded to incoming:

Name        : sawfish                      Relocations: (not
Version     : 1.2                               Vendor: MandrakeSoft
Release     : 1mdk                          Build Date: Wed 13 Nov 2002
11:20:48 PM EST
Install date: Wed 13 Nov 2002 11:21:55 PM EST      Build Host:
Group       : Graphical desktop/Sawfish     Source RPM:
Size        : 4478149                          License: GPL
Packager    : Levi Ramsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
URL         : http://sawmill.sourceforge.net/
Summary     : An extensible window manager for the X Window System
Description :
Sawfish is an extensible window manager which uses a Lisp-based
language.  All window decorations are configurable and the basic idea is
have as much user-interface policy as possible controlled through the
language.  Configuration can be accomplished by writing Lisp code in a
personal .sawfishrc file, or using a GTK+ interface.  Sawfish is mostly
GNOME compliant.
* Tue Nov 12 2002 Levi Ramsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1.2-1mdk

- Release 1.2


Name        : rep-gtk                      Relocations: (not
Version     : 0.17                              Vendor: MandrakeSoft
Release     : 1mdk                          Build Date: Wed 13 Nov 2002
05:09:05 PM EST
Install date: Wed 13 Nov 2002 05:10:08 PM EST      Build Host:
Group       : Development/GNOME and GTK+    Source RPM:
Size        : 728756                           License: GPL
Packager    : Levi Ramsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
URL         : http://rep-gtk.sourceforge.net/
Summary     : GTK+ binding for librep Lisp environment
Description :
This is a binding of GTK+ for the librep Lisp interpreter.  It is based
Marius Vollmer's guile-gtk package (initially version 0.15, updated to
with a new glue-code generator.
* Wed Nov 13 2002 Levi Ramsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 0.17-1mdk

- Release 0.17
- Removed Patch0 (fixed upstream)

Levi Ramsey

Love lies in pools of questions.

GPG Key Fingerprint: 354C 7A02 77C5 9EE7 8538  4E8D DCD9 B4B0 DC35 67CD
Currently playing:  Cracker - Good Times Bad Times.ogg
Linux 2.4.19-16mdk
 11:30:00  up  2:39,  4 users,  load average: 0.27, 0.27, 0.26

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