On Tue, 2002-11-19 at 01:06, Benjamin Pflugmann wrote:
> Hi.
> On Mon 2002-11-18 at 08:42:57 +0100, Yves Duret wrote:
> > On Fri, Nov 15, 2002 at 12:53:24PM +0000, Adam Williamson wrote:
> > > On Fri, 2002-11-15 at 12:41, Guillaume Rousse wrote:
> > > > Now that i had some success with other transfer requests, what about the 
> > > > ultimate multimedia player under linux, aka mplayer ?
> > > > 
> > > > It is not the most politically correct package, for sure, but it is legaly 
> > > > clean (otherwise it won't even be in contrib), and its presence in main would 
> > > > definitevely boost mdk on desktop.
> > > 
> > > Xine does just about everything mplayer does...
> > 
> > time to be less "monocentric" on multimedia apps.
> > and time to drop out thnigs like xanim (is it still existing ?).
> > The xine standard ui is not easy to understand, peek your
> > windows-mediaplayer-addict mother in front of it, and see..
> No need to take some mother... I yesterday tried xine for the first
> time due to this discussion.
> I consider myself quite computer literate, but I needed several
> minutes with the GUI until I figured out how to playback an .avi file.
> Half of the icons do not trigger any association with me. I had to try
> out all but the most obvious (play, stop, pause, ...).
> What irritated me most that I had to use the playlist, which I closed
> again at once, the first time I encountered it (because I wanted to
> load one movie, not specify a list of files). A bit later I gave up
> and specified a one-item list, because I found no other way. I did not
> bother to look longer if there is a better way, it is well possible
> that there is one - but if there is, for me it was not intuitive to
> find. I neither tried the CLI afterwards.
> The options window with all its tabs is also frustating. There are a
> lot of options, which have a non-obvious effect (and that though I am
> familiar with the mplayer options). If I have to look up the docu,
> what is the benefit of having that in the GUI?
> I do know, that there are always options that are useful once you know
> them (e.g. DAO, TAO, etc. with cd writers), but as I said, I am
> familiar with mplayer options, so I think I know the basic vocabulary.
> Enough for that rant. I did not intended it to become one. I only now
> realized, how frustating the experience with xine was. And I thought
> mplayer was bad when it struck me down on first sight with the pure
> number of options it has. At least "mplayer movie.avi" simply
> worked. ;-)  (I know, I know, probably that also works with xine).

actually xine has a feature that mplayer lacks... 

xine is available as a library ( libxine ), so there are some players
which are based on xine... for gnome ther's totem, for kde there is a
kde on ( try xine.sourceforge.net for a list of them )...

mostly when i want to use xine ( i don't use it much, but still ) i use
totem... the only problem is that there's is no way to set xine's
properties in totem ( at least i haven't found it :(

> Regards,
>       Benjamin.
gpg key at www.keyserver.net

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