On Sat, 2002-11-23 at 21:55, Nelson Bartley wrote:
> Interesting. I leave my Evo open all the time, and have never noticed
> this issue.
> Currently all of my evolution processes combined are taking about 44MB
> of memory, which I don't find to horrible, however it is a little high.
> If you want for comparison I've got 20621 messages in cooker folder,
> ~17000 in newb, and another 20000 or so spread around a few different
> folders. Now I've got about 512MB of memory in the system, and it's
> hardly ancient, but yes, I've had to kill oaf-slay a few times before
> (though system never hung/died)
> Gizmo

Yeah, it's not a genuine crash / hang, it's just some kind of really
severe leak which hogs resources to the point that the system's
unusable. The hard disk is thrashing when it happens, but then 192MB
isn't a lot of memory any more so I expect that's just using swap space
rather than something meaningful. Odd that it's not as serious for you,

It is a very instant thing; it's not a sudden build-up (for instance,
Evo is currently taking up about 55.7MB of memory, and everything's
running normally; if I left it and waited 15 minutes or so, it'd
*suddenly* become unusable; right up to that point the situation would
be the same as it is now). It's really rather odd, and hard to pinpoint
to any particular cause. I guess I'll just have to hope miscellaneous
fixes for 1.2.1 will rectify it :\

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