Gwenole Beauchesne wrote:

On Mon, 25 Nov 2002, Han Boetes wrote:

I wanted to suggest the addition of a few macros in /usr/lib/rpm/macros
for X packages: Patch included.

Yes, could be a good idea, but rebuilding for older distro won't be
compatible unless we provide updated macros there too. I have been using
%x11prefix in XFree86 package actually.

BTW, %_Xlibdir is wrong on lib64 arches.


I think it's a good idea:)
rebuilding for older distro's would'nt be any more problem than just adding those macro's to the .spec file, would it?

ahh, btw. people, I FINALLY QUIT MY JOB! mehaa:)

Per Øyvind Karlsen
Sintrax Solutions - +47 41681061

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