Wouldn't it pay to make an exception when the one on the App providers mirror is MORE stable (though it may be a beta) than the one that is in Cooker?? Just a thought...

Besides, can't the testing/problems/bugfixes that Cooker users can provide be of use to Mozilla.org anyway?? We test betas of MANY programs in cooker anyway, why should Mozilla be any different? Isn't the whole point of cooker to be "bleeding edge"?? We are a great testbed due to the deep level of technical knowlege brought to the table by many of the cookers.

Just my .0002c worth, correct me if I'm wrong.



Ben Reser wrote:
On Wed, Nov 27, 2002 at 12:29:13PM +1300, Jason Greenwood wrote:
Is on the Mozilla mirrors. I am running it on my cooker system and all 
seems well, and a damn sight more stable than the version in cooker at 
the moment.

When will the this latest version be in cooker??

When it's actually released.  The only reason Gnome and KDE betas go in
is so that packaging and Mandrake specific changes can keep up with the
development.  Mozilla doesn't require that type of development.  So
there is no reason to include the beta in cooker.  And at this point in
the release cycle there is no point in putting betas in to resolve bugs
in the software, by the time we release again Mozilla will have 1.2
final out.

Basically cooker is the development tree for Mandrake not Mozilla.  If
you want non-stable releases for most things you'll have download source
or get it from some other source that provides binaries for those


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