I have a IBM PC Server 325 wich is an all SCSI system.
I installed MDK 9.0 on it and it worked perfect.
I then added an Abit HPT370 IDE controller to get
support for a 120GB Maxtor IDE disk (cheap storage...)
Everything worked fine.
Then yesterday I decided to upgrade to latest cooker.
(wich was easy thanks to urpmi ;-), and my local cooker/contrib
 mirror on the Maxtor disk ...)
As a final touch I installed latest kernel with rpm,
changed lilo.conf and run 'lilo -v'.
no complaints, so I rebooted, and ... :-(
the system boots to the point where lilo starts (should start...)
I only get an 'L' and then the screen fills up with a number '91'
 over and over again, and then it freezes.
Now here's the fun thing:
if I power of the system, remove the HPT370 card,
boot up with my lilo boot disk, rerun lilo, poweroff system,
reinsert the HPT370 and boot again the lilo on the MBR
works, and I can access my IDE HDD.
and I can reboot as many times I want, and still it works...
So, it seems that lilo gets screwed up, but why?
Is it a bug? Anyone else seen this?
(BTW,  I don't use the hptraid module)

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