On Friday 13 December 2002 01:05, Tarmo Hyvärinen wrote:
> I just tested Suse 8.1 via live eval CD. (I need a bootable Linux to get
> rid of Windows in school :)
> Never used SuSE before; one suprise, it looked GOOD. Mandrake 9.1 should
> really have original artwork, like suse and redhat. Now as it is,
> mandrake looks boring, maybe someone could take a project to create
> mandrake themes for 9.1 release (i know, not a big deal to change
> themes, but for new users it would be nice eyecandy).
Hmm yes the boot manager looked a way better, as I saw it the last time, But I 
like the style of Mandrake. Has the style of SuSE really changed so much ? 
Last time I saw SuSE all was very green, maybe some graphics was nice ....

> Menu items were much better organized too than in Mandrake. Some cleanup
> for them for 9.1?

Here I cant agree. The way as it is organized isn't bad.I havent seen SuSE a 
long time. The last time SuSE did it very bad. Maybe I wouldn't put Gimp 
under multimedia. Some things in the logic of that menu aren't consistent. 
Maybe it's worth a discussion. 

Just for explaining my thoughts:
Lets take my menu in kde as it is:
First Level:

What to do ...

The first 3 are one level. What to do does not conflict with this level. But 
then comes the other 3. Now lets search after the application "gimp" : Should 
I search in Application or in Office or in Multimedia (why the heck 
multimedia ?) ? You see the levels of the contexts conflicts here. I could 
more examples for that. So it would be better to have applications in 
applications, after that can come the next level (what type of applications). 
Or all is reachable trough the structure of Networking / Office / Multimedia 
/ Programming / Archieving  in the first level. And slightly seperated 
Configuration / Documentation / Monitoring.

Just my thoughts about it. 



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