Happy Holidays, Fellow Cookers!

Yesterday I sent this, with less details, but it didn't go through.

Usually I connect to the internet with an ethernet card.  The host name for 
this computer which was set up during the installation was supplied by the 
cable company's dhcp server (ny-glensfalls3a-57).  When I'm home CUPS works 
fine.  When I am NOT connected to the network at all, CUPS works fine.  When 
I'm connected to ANOTHER network with my ethernet card, CUPS works fine.

Yesterday, I used my dial-up modem to connect to the internet.  Whenever I was 
connected to the internet, any calls to the CUPS server would hang 
indefinitely.  Disconnecting from the internet would un-freeze the calls to 
the CUPS server about 80% of the time.

Looking at what is happening, it looks like the calls are being routed to the 
computer's host name, ie ipp://ny-glensfalls31-57.whatever/  rather than to 
ipp://localhost or ipp://   When using the CUPS www tool, it shows an 
error message to that effect.  Other tools just hang.

More info available on request.


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