On Wed, Dec 18, 2002 at 03:58:29PM +1300, Jason Greenwood wrote:
> That is Soooooo subjective. But I guess when you are paying the 
> developers then....

Of course it's subjective.  I don't understand why everyone thinks every
policy has to be so rigid and set in stone that a computer could enforce
it.  There are always exceptions to the rule.  Ultimately the developers
can do whatever they want.  Sometimes they do put in betas/pre-release
stuff that I don't think they should.  But a lot of developers use it
for daily use... so if something is bothering them it's bound to get
updated to fix it.  

> Anyway, I don't feel I misreperesented anything as I had a re-read of 
> the previous thread. The way my original request was handled was totally 
> disrespectful IMHO. Doesn't matter, I have thick skin. You tend to grow 
> it if you are on the cooker list for any length of time. I also notice 
> that when a poster makes a little too much sense or if it gets hard for 
> Mandrake (or other posters) to provide a good reason for doing what 
> they're doing (or saying what they are saying), a thread gets dropped 
> like a hot potato (eg, the Abiword discussion).

Or maybe we just know that we disagree, don't feel like continuing to
argue, and felt like we'd explained our position fully...

Then again some threads don't get decent replies to them...  But I don't
think the abiword thread was one of them.  I thought Buchan gave a nice
definitive response...

> See Here:
> http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=mandrake-cooker&m=103835752402895&w=2

If you must know...
My definition of a distro is a group of released programs that are
packaged together.  

> Notice how I didn't really get a response on this one??

Yeah because there was no point in replying.  I thought I'd made myself
clear.  I guess not.


"If you're not making any mistakes, you're flat out not trying hard
enough." - Jim Nichols

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