Viestissä Sunnuntai 29. Joulukuuta 2002 06:49, Paul R Streitman kirjoitti:
> Same for my (T23) Thinkpad with a Super Savage.  I recovered by
> (re)installing the 1.1.26t driver (and associated files) from
>  One nice thing about just using
> Tim Roberts's driver with the latest cooker X is that you still get the
> fancy new cursor support.
>                                                               Paul

Now this is weird ... I'm confused ... (that's not the weird part ;-) ...)

Updated my system today, the same XFree packages got selected,
urpmi downloads the files, but when when it was about to
install it it compained:
Some package requested cannot be installed:
do you agree ?

Yesterday when I did the install I answered No to that question,
wich aborted the installation, so I used rpm to install the packages,
and got the problems...

Today I answered Yes to the question, and  urpmi installed everyhing,
including the package it complained about, and now everything works,
without the Tim Roberts's drivers mentione above... go figure ...

Oh well ... I'm happy as long as my laptop works ...


* If nothing else works, read the manual ... ... ...

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