On Thu, 2003-01-16 at 10:16, John Allen wrote:
> > MandrakeSoft is a commercial software company. It ought to be able to be
> > profitable (or at least not burn cash so fast it gets near bankruptcy)
> > through normal business operations. If not, it deserves to fail. This is
> Ok then, lets assume that normal business operations is for everyone who has 
> an installation of Mandrake (any version) who has not paid for that 
> installation should now send their money to Mandrake.
> Aha, problem solved, Mandrake sinking under massive cash surplus.

Uh, how is that normal business operations? Mandrake makes a business
decision to make a version of its distribution available for free,
therefore it has no right to demand that users of that version give it
money. Users of the free version deciding to give MandrakeSoft money
isn't a normal business operation, it's charity by any other name...SuSE
and Red Hat both make the same decision and don't appear to be filing
for bankruptcy protection...

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